Chakra Lube, by Amoebafunk

Chakra Lube EP
by Amoebafunk

Originally recorded and arranged in 2007-2008, this 5-track album has been resurrected from a CD version for re-release. Amoebafunk previously only had the first track (Ebb) released as part of a compilation several years ago. Now the whole album is available officially here.

Amoebafunk was active ca. 2006-2009.

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Rites of Spring – Continuous Mix, by Noah Christopher

Rites of Spring – Continuous Mix
by Noah Christopher

Originally recorded in 2005 by Noah Christopher, and released on Seedsound in 2007 as an album of individual songs (seed022). A CD version was used to recapture all the original audio. Here, it has been remixed and rearranged by Noah into a continuous mix (as it was used to perform live on occasion). Intended as a journey through awakening and the thawing-out process of early spring into the mellows of summer sunsets — lively nocturnal moments full of luminous creatures and full moons.

Cover photo by Jacob Newman

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LINE EP, by Macroscopic

by Macroscopic

Minimal. Macroscopic seeks to explore the audible realm while recognizing all that we hear is made up of much smaller or less noticeable sounds, often resonating from objects or creatures unseen.

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Horizon EP, by Etheriden

Etheriden is a new project & addition to the Seedsound roster. It is primarily a trance / ambient / low tempo techno project. The latest release is now available via Bandcamp, where many new Seedsound releases will be available throughout this year. Look out for more.. this is our 15th year.

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Sing the Song, by Noah Christopher

Sing the Song
by Noah Christopher

As part of Netlabel Day, seedsound offers a new release/single from Noah Christopher titled Sing the Song. Hey, it’s free, so why not have a listen and/or a download? And check out all these other participants in the Netlabel Day event here.

listen to Sing the Song.

Download 192k MP3 audio here.

Download FLAC audio here.

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10 Years Compilation, Various Artists (seed029cd)

Full article and release page

This is a FREE CD release limited to 50 copies and contains choice tracks from artists gracious enough to submit their work over the years. Hand-assembled and complied from the original wave files onto “vinyl” styled CDs. Thanks to all of you for helping make Seedsound something great! If you’re interested in a free copy, contact us here for email etc. All we ask is that you cover the small shipping cost for media mail (typically less than $4 in the USA).

Check out the audio previews below (160kbps). Thanks for listening!

01 Lost Waters by Observation Point
02 Rites of Spring by Noah Christopher
03 Deeper by Hypnautica
04 Doloop to Me by Paranerd
05 Ebb by Amoebafunk
06 Double Litotes by Eric McIntyre
07 24 Hour Wobbly People by Magnetic Assassin
08 Sunloop by Frequent Sync

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